Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year! Let's start it out with resolutions, and a sale!

As the old year closes out, and the new one gets ready to come in,  it is time to take stock of what we have accomplished in the past year-  and what we hope to accomplish this year.

For me  the key word for this year is going to be balance.  I need to balance my roles as teacher, mother, product creator, building rep, school webmaster, and blogger.  (The last of which was my downfall this past year.)

So this year...

  • I will use my calendar for more than a pretty picture on the wall and schedule things.
  • I will prioritize with the understanding that it's okay not to get everything done.
  • I will learn to say NO, nicely and firmly when I need to.
  • I will take care of myself as well as others.
If you've made goals for the new year-- then I wish you success and a feeling of accomplishment in meeting them.

If one of your resolutions is to save money, you might want to check out my sale at Myers' Fiesty Ferrets on TPT.  It will run from January 1-3rd.  Everything in the store is 20% off  including my recently expanded One Word Stories. These are rebus stories that add one high frequency word at a time to let students develop reading fluency.